Monday, 4 June 2007
プロポーズ大作戦 7/ Proposal Daisakusen 7
ProDai in general.
Why is it becoming better and better? I started without much expectation. And to date I can say that despite the what you say cheesy basic plot (time split.... good entertainment though :p) it managed to be something spectacular. Not just depending on time split but the plot development, and kudos to its 'unpredictableness'. Predictable or unpredictable of course is a matter of individual, once you predict it becomes predictable. However, the unpredictable here derived not wholly on that aspect but on how the episodes is well directed it try not to resort to easy problem-solving... which would take all the fun away. And that's proposal daisakusen. The 'past me' (pun intended) never thought I'll be growing to love this series a lot. It has those quality and magic Nobuta wo Produce has, I'm saying this is not because of Yamapi whatsoever, but the story and plot development itself. And how the message is brought up creatively, although in this aspect, it can't surpass Nobuta wo Produce IMHO that's it.
Ep 7
Now I'm going straight to the point :p There's a little surprise at the end of the ep. And for those who has seen the preview at the end of ep 6, yeps (highlight to read) he does say he's going to graduate from this time-slip thingy'. That makes me go 'nooooo' but then I know that's just a statement. It won't happen. Especially after what Mikio said to him.
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