I'm starting my new semester soon, so will not be much active anymore. I might just write an overall review for all the next episodes of Time of Dog and Wolf instead of the episode by episode like what I'm doing now.
Episode 6, again is a good one.

Kay (Soo Hyun's new name) carving the elephant he promised Ji Woo.
Kay/Soo Hyun got the thing he's been wishing for. Meeting Mao. Mao entered the Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) ring. And he saved Mao from being murdered by a subordinate. Mao wanted to reward him. and he asked this:

Back in Korea, korean mafia organization has been eyeing for Ji Woo knowing that she's Mao's daughter. They're aware of Cheongbang's plan to expand to Korea and the possibility that cheongbang will be interested for their territory so they have to plan something, and Ji Woo is a part of the plan.

I think I'm growing to like Min Ki. I still like Soo Hyun but to think that he's been there for Ji Woo all this time.. I feel some sympathy for him. It has been two years already and she still can't get Soo Hyun out of her mind. Of course Soo Hyun is living somewhere. But he's declared to be dead to these people. Ji Woo is still hanging and holding to the watch Soo Hyun gave her, which was not working anymore.

one day Min Ki bought her a new watch.
"I'm not asking you to put it on right away.Maybe one day, after Soo Hyun's death; time which has stopped by your side, it will tick again, put on the watch"
after quite some time, Ji Woo went to the grave. and trying to let go of the memories, she left the watch on the grave. Kay/Soo Hyun is already in Korea since Cheongbang decided to start a business there. He went to his grave and saw the watch :(
the preview of next episode: in the first episode, at the very beginning it shows Kay/Soo Hyun drowning after some car-chasing. I thought it'll come somewhere at the end of the series but the preview indicates that the next episode will go into that. Ji Woo and Min Ki seems like going out (?) while Kay/Soo Hyun is looking at them somewhere. must be very painful to watch.