(some extracts from my previous review)
This is an action drama about an undercover agent trying to infiltrate into mafia organization, filled with suspense, cliffhanger, lots of action etc. It has nice pace especially the first half of the drama. I like how scenes are being shot. And I like the execution of the story. You got action, drama, love, power, betrayal, trust, amnesiac plot etc, like some other dramas might also have. But the way they're executed are very good. The pace was quite fast and fitting at the beginning.It builds the foundation and story in episode one and just skyrockets to pre-climax the episodes thereafter. It's not those usual kdrama which usually make the first half of the dramas lightly and then the next half putting in the tension. This one, it feels so fast like it's already nearly the climax when it's actually a beginning. A very good beginning I must say. I love the style.
Other bonus would be the actors. I didn't expect much from Jun ki, but seems like he's a really good actor after watching this. He plays his role as 'dog' and 'wolf' very well. I was never his fan, but I think I've respect for him after watching this drama. And watching him as a 'man' shedding the feminine image he always has, to play the character in this drama is absolutely a refreshing sight. The other actor who plays Min Ki also gave a good performance. And so do other supporting characters.
The love scenes however is not developed stronger as it progress. I like how they did the romance in first two episode, but after that it doesn't have really much impact. i really don't know what's missing. But I guess the thrill and suspense make up for this.
This drama left me with quite an impact. Now it ends, I feel like ermmm floating? I think people should try watching this drama, especially if you're like me, loving action/thriller drama.
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This is an action drama with lots of cliffhangers, blodd-pumping, adrenaline-rushi, suspenseful drama. just right for my taste.
When I liveblogged about a drama, expect my writing to be full of grammatical mistak. Sometimes I'm lazy to recheck everything :p
Because I've been watching straight 6 episode I can't really remember what happen to be written down here. He started getting information about Soo Hyun being a real him but didn't believe it although it sparked his curiosity. Ji Woo has been feeling weird around him, and after quite some time start to suspect him as being Soo Hyun. Sudden turn of event required Soo hyun to kill Ji Woo's father (not her real one). Ji Woo was there begging for him not to shoot her father, this makes him remember the day his mom was killed. He was depressed after regaining memories, thinking that his father was killed right in front of him when he lose memory. And to think that he's been serving loyally to the one he hate the most. He tried to commit suicide but stopped by 'roadrunner', his father informant. They planned to escape to another country and leave revenge and everything behind, but the NIS boss managed to get him to go back to spy Cheongbang. As the story progress, Min Ki learnt about the undercover plan, and so do Ji Woo.
The big transaction planned by Cheongbang was halted by NIS. However 'roadrunner' was killed while trying to save Soo Hyun. Soo Hyun then disappear with Mao, although the mission has been completed, because there's something left for him. a revenge.
Cutting the long story short, he met Mao face to face and start shooting at each other. In the end it was revealed that Mao was actually a bestfriend to Soo Hyun's father. Mao was dead.
The end is a bit open. As it shows Soo hyun still living. and still as a black agent/ undercover agent. I don't know what happen between him and Ji Woo, but along the way, I, in my humble opinion think that the romance and relationship between the two are not really much convincing. Min Ki on the other hand marry his workmate (I secretly hope they ended up together as I was watching the series from beginning)
This is a good drama. The first half is probably the best. the second half is still good but not as good as the first half, I think.
I have to say I kind of drawn in by Kay, when he lose his memory. Although he is a bad guy, his personality just make you drawn in.
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oh my there's so many things happening. All the suspense were really killing me.
Soo Hyun was assigned to keep an eye on Ji Woo because other mafia group was eyeing her so Mao ordered her to be protected. In the course of saving Ji Woo (who was shocked to see Soo hyun) he was injured and the car he drove fall into the water. He lose his memory. Then he thought he's really Kay. He has also been gaining a lot of trust from Mao. He met Ji Woo again after that but not as Soo Hyun anymore. Ji Woo now believe he's just a look-alike but no way a guy like him would be Soo Hyun. Soo Hyun's father, Kang in the other hand was worried as there was no contact from him only to realize Soo Hyun lose his memory. Soo hyun found out that the Cheongbang telephone cable has been wiretapped and plan to trick the person behind it. NIS was tricked into thinking there's a real transaction and they sent agent for the mission. This ends up with agent Kang being stabbed to death in front of Soo Hyun just before he could tell Soo Hyun's real identity.
You are not Kay. You are....
Min Gi was showing much hatred toward Kay (without knowledge that it's Soo Hyun, not Kay) he felt like killing Kay. The investigation on Kay's identity returned a result that doesn't match at all with Soo Hyun, making the International Affair team convinced that they're not the same person.
So much suspense. I've been so impatient watching this, wanting to know what will happen after this and this, it's not funny!
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I'm starting my new semester soon, so will not be much active anymore. I might just write an overall review for all the next episodes of Time of Dog and Wolf instead of the episode by episode like what I'm doing now.
Episode 6, again is a good one.

Kay (Soo Hyun's new name) carving the elephant he promised Ji Woo.
Kay/Soo Hyun got the thing he's been wishing for. Meeting Mao. Mao entered the Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) ring. And he saved Mao from being murdered by a subordinate. Mao wanted to reward him. and he asked this:

Back in Korea, korean mafia organization has been eyeing for Ji Woo knowing that she's Mao's daughter. They're aware of Cheongbang's plan to expand to Korea and the possibility that cheongbang will be interested for their territory so they have to plan something, and Ji Woo is a part of the plan.

I think I'm growing to like Min Ki. I still like Soo Hyun but to think that he's been there for Ji Woo all this time.. I feel some sympathy for him. It has been two years already and she still can't get Soo Hyun out of her mind. Of course Soo Hyun is living somewhere. But he's declared to be dead to these people. Ji Woo is still hanging and holding to the watch Soo Hyun gave her, which was not working anymore.

one day Min Ki bought her a new watch.
"I'm not asking you to put it on right away.Maybe one day, after Soo Hyun's death; time which has stopped by your side, it will tick again, put on the watch"
after quite some time, Ji Woo went to the grave. and trying to let go of the memories, she left the watch on the grave. Kay/Soo Hyun is already in Korea since Cheongbang decided to start a business there. He went to his grave and saw the watch :(
the preview of next episode: in the first episode, at the very beginning it shows Kay/Soo Hyun drowning after some car-chasing. I thought it'll come somewhere at the end of the series but the preview indicates that the next episode will go into that. Ji Woo and Min Ki seems like going out (?) while Kay/Soo Hyun is looking at them somewhere. must be very painful to watch.
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So far I really like the drama. Most of the scenes are well calculated so not to really drag. For example, some of the scenes between Ji Woo and Soo Hyun is shown first time but as flashback. It adds something to their relationship and at the same time by having them as flashback they managed to not stain the series with too many 'couple' scenes just for the sake of stressing their relationship which can be quite out of place. It keeps the drama neat and a wise way to stress the love development without overdoing.
to the episode story.
Soo Hyun was offered with the task of being undercover agent. If he do well, he can re-acquire his NIS agent status back. However undercover agent is a very dangerous task, he has to be friends with Cheongbang, Mao's mafia organization and become a member. His father objected to it. like any parents would. sending your son to a very dangerous task who wouldn't be worried?
"You have to give up everything you've lived for!
Your name, your memories,
and everyone you loved!
It's about your existence disappearing!"
but he's determined.
The theme song is very much fitting. I really like the song.
Now I have to let you go
I need to make you leave
I'm not going to look back
and he passed the watch he treasures most, his real father's, to his father to be given to Ji Woo. I first thought he's giving it to his father but later in the episode Ji Woo was wearing it.
And then he 'died' in this episode, masked by a fake traffic accident.
Soo Hyun visiting his own grave
Ji Woo, Min Ki and his moom was really devastated. Two years later, they still can't forget him. I love the relationship between Soo Hyun and Min Ki. They're very close despite the fact it's not a blood-relationship. They're brothers and best friends. Although Min Ki seems bothered that Ji Woo still can't forget Soo Hyun (as he also loves her), but he too.. can't forget Soo Hyun.
Min Ki changed department into International Affairs Department, Soo Hyun's old department. And he got to sit where Soo Hyun used to sit. He's doing well and showing his competency in the new department. Meanwhile Soo Hyun is working at the lowest position for Cheongbang, dealing with drunks in clubs. He also participated in Thailand Kickboxing knowing that Mao likes kickboxing hoping that he'll meet Mao soon.
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another good episode. I'm slowly becoming attached to the series. good actors, good execution, good shots, good pace. A korean drama that builds the foundation and story in episode one and just skyrockets to pre-climax the episodes thereafter. It's not those usual kdrama which usually make the first half of the dramas lightly and then the next half putting in the tension. This one, it feels so fast like it's already nearly the climax when it's actually a beginning. A very good beginning I must say. I love the style.
While on mission, Soo Hyun met the killer of his mother. Unable to control sudden emotion of hatred he acted what he shouldn't be doing, acting out of course of the mission. in his mind, he's gonna kill that guy. He was fired because of that. That's not going to stop him from revenge, he went to Thailand in hope to meet Mao and kill him. He got Min Ki to steal classified information from NIS. When things not going as he hope, Min Kin took a leave to Thailand to find him. In the other hand Ji Woo, first time in 13 years met her real father, Mao, asking him to find Soo Hyun for her. And the superior has been aware of Min Ki stealing the data. I wonder what action will be taken.
I like how things are taken more realistically for example when Soo Hyun was fired from NIS. We might think wouldn't there be any other way to save him, but the drama give a realistic outcome. Kudos to Jun Ki's convincing portrayal of Soo Hyun. I'm impressed. The scenes when he met Mao was very effective. The grudge flowing through his veins was very well executed you can somehow understand that feeling.
I somehow pity Mao as a father, because you can tell he actually treasure the daughter. but he can't take care of her.
the preview of next episode is very tempting. seems like Soo Hyun going to declare himself dead, and working undercover. means, his data and all will be erased from the record? like living a new life, leaving behind Soo Hyun. becoming a new person. seems like he's going to find ways to get to work with the mafia.
this is such a good drama to watch.
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From now on, episode to episode rambling will contain spoilers, unless stated.
Overall review is an exception since they can be made without spoilers while that's impossible for episode blabbering. :)
Lee Soo Hyun is adopted into Kang Min Ki's family because his parent's were murdered by gang memebers. They both grew up to become NIS agents, brothers, and best friends. Suh Ji Woo and Soo Hyun, who knew each other from childhood, are accidentally reunited when the beautiful Ji Woo caught the attention of playboy Kang Min Ki. She and Soo Hyun are separated once again because of Soo Hyun's vengeance against his parent's enemies.
So I've started with Time of Dog and Wolf, a kdrama. I'm giving this a shot after reading about it's worthiness. It get good critics although not doing so well in viewership rating department. I ought to see this myself and judge.
I've been watching two episodes as I'm writing this.
So far so good. I found myself weeping and crying at the end of episode 1 and early of episode two. The first episode took place in Thailand and was the childhood time of the lead character. Soo Hyun's mom is a prosecutor in Thailand. He has no father, from what I can get he died because of some secret mission. So Soo Hyun's mom in doing her work at the same time fulfilling the last wish of his husband; to take down a mafia organization. Soo Hyun made friends with Ari, a Korean living in Thailand who turns out to be the daughter of one of the mafia.
one night when having dinner outside with his mother, he become a witness of his own mother's murder. by Ari's father. His mom passed a watch by his diseased father to him, and it fell down the table, and just by the moment he pick it up his mother was shot to death. I cried. Now he's an orphan. He was then brought back to Korea by his mom's friend who has a son his age. The mother was hesitant to accept him first, but eventually he became part of the family. One touching scene would be when he was punished alongside Min Gi, his new 'brother', he speaks up about his parents and why must his new 'dad' brought him back to Korea and not leave him in Thailand so he can do things he want. It's very touching. It must be hard for him to get along in the new family especially thinking that he's taken cared of due to sympathy. Everything turns good eventually.
He grew up to become an NIS agent with Min Gi. One fateful day, he encounter Ari or Ji Woo her korean name thanks to Min Gi. Now Min Gi became jealous.
"you've always been better in everything. But I was never jealous...."
"...but now I feel like competing"
Ji woo's father has come to Korea. let's see what Soo Hyun is going to do.
now i can't wait to watch next episode. There's Soo Hyun with guns in the preview ^^
overall so far so good. very good execution. I like the pace. I hope the upcoming episodes will also be good.
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Toyokawa Etsushi and Ito Hideaki appear together for the first time in what is a never-before-seen lawyer-oriented drama. The original work by Iura Hideo, "Bengoshi no Kuzu," is currently being published by Big Comic Original. Our main character, Kuzu Motohito--aka "scum lawyer"--will do just about anything if it means he can win in court. Lawyers aren't on the side of justice! The law isn't meant to punish people, it's meant to save them! At least, that's this guy's secret motto. High school drop-out, lover of money and women, rude demeanor, and a vulgar mouth. This ridiculous excuse for a lawyer (played by Toyokawa Etsushi) has his first challenge in this comedy as the character Kuzu Motohito. And then there's Takeda Masami (played by Ito Hideaki) who works with Kuzu; Takeda Masami is a wet behind the ears lawyer who is touched by the very idea of justice. Takashima Reiko plays the capable female lawyer, Kato Tetsuko. "You'll laugh, you'll cry...a satisfying Legal Human Comedy that breaks through all the rules of the legal world.
Kuzu means scum. So 'bengoshi no kuzu' means 'scum lawyer. And the main character here is Kuzu. I have to agree with the last sentence of the short review/summary at wiki. "You'll laugh, you'll cry...a satisfying Legal Human Comedy that breaks through all the rules of the legal world"
This is a comedy. Toyokawa Etsushi is GREAT. He nails down his weird character PERFECTLY. the way he walks, talk, his gesture and everything just build a perfect weird eccentric Kuzu-style character. I've never read the manga so I do't really know how it's portrayed there. but judging only with what I've seen I'm totally impressed by Etsushi. He's really good in such comedic role. Kuzu is a pervert, aloof, free and easy lawyer, he's just hilarious.
Then there's Hideaki Ito, a man of dream. yes I ship him. I love Ito. he's one hot actor in the industry. He's playing alongside Etsushi, and he's also good.
I really don't know how to describe this drama. You will love it more on the comedic aspect than the lawsuit/case. The case can be very simple and predictable. But I love episode 10, I found the case very interesting. other than that, the other case is just okay. It's Kuzu's gross personality and the interaction with the people in that firm that colours this drama in overall! that's the highlight.
might be spoiler but not really?
oh, and I love how they give Kuzu a daughter! their bickering is humorous mainly because of their different personality and thinking. while Mizuki is a brainy, wise little girl, Kuzu is kuzu (scum), gross so yeah... :p
p/s: I like this drama. although some of the 'pervertness', I can't handle too well -__-
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"Turning impossibilities to possibilities is what Yukan Club is about"
Yukan Club is cheesy, colourful, over-the-top drama. It's not a drama based of reality, with illogical scenes thrown in. This is a comedy. If you ask me, I don't know whether to say that I like or dislike this drama. It turns me off at the earlier episode especially the first one. I think it's bad to the extreme! true the props, settings are wonderful but the stryline and the characters' acting was bad. I even contemplate whether to drop this series or not. But then as I continue watching, the drama slowly gotten into me. I mean, it's nothing really good but it can kick some akward entertainment to you. good, no?
I learnt of people dissing this drama because of the actors. especially when all three guys are johnnys so they're open to more criticism to the one who's not at all johnnys' fans. it's like putting idols in drama and see them gaining views from fangirls without acting abilities.
but then, it's a good thing that Yukan Club is made to be an over-the-top drama, because lack of acting ability won't be much of a concern here. I mean, I'm impressed with Yokoyama Yu's character, and Junno's over the top portrayal of Bido Granmarie. They make me enjoy the drama in a way. That's saying something because I shriek at Yu's performance in Kemarishi, and Junno's in Hanayome to papa, Happy, and Ganbatte Ikimashoi. To me they're bad actors. Now after watching Yukan Club, I think maybe they're fit to be characters in such comical environment.
I like Kashi Yuu. and I enjoy watching her too. I don't quite like Karen's character, and so the actress playing it. For Akanishi Jin, another johnny idol, as some of the viewer already comment, he's playing himself and sometimes he seems distance to the other characters. the other characaters seems like a comic character, but Miroku is the only one that doesn't really have that feels. I say it's on Jin's portrayal.
if you are me, you'll shrieeeekk watching the earlier episodes, but still continue and then getting familiar with it and then found it to be entertaining in a way.
It's a drama I won't think much after it ends. it just end like that.
but on the ride, it's actually something. but that's that.
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Finally.I did a Tantei Gakuen Q marathon, and I actually enjoy the drama. The fact that I really like mystery/detective genre probably explain this. I actually enjoy most of all the dramas with this genre except saved from some really bad one, like Puzzle though for example.
Besides Tantei Gakuen Q has enough element to keep me going, especially regarding the cold and dark personality revolving around Ryuu. besides, he's cute! The involvement of a dark organization, Pluto, is also one of the element that interest me. Some of the cases might be predictable, but I found them enjoyable still. Did I mention how cute Ryuu is? lol.
I watched this with the so-called alpha subtitle from littlix. but I think the subtitle is perfect. maybe they named it alpha because of the lack of typesetting. I don't mind because it's the translation that's most important :P
I'm in the mood of babbling on the actors and characters.

He's Kyuu. You can say he's quite the most prominent role in the drama, besides Ryuu. He's too optimistic. He's someone who appreciate friendship very much. Although all the 5 students are being evaluated as successor of the famous detective, Dan Morihiko, Kyuu didn't treat them as rivals, but as colleague who share the same dream. On the actor who play Kyuu, he's Kamiki Ryunosuke. I've seen him in many dramas before such as Mukodono, Tantei Kazoku, Psycho Doctor and few others, and it was back then when he was still a child. He was such a cute kid with good acting. However I'm actually not much impressed with his acting in this drama, it feels like something is lacking. Maybe it's the expectation. I expect him to be better than that after watching his previous work as a small kid.

He's Ryuu. He's cold. he's cool. and it's like there's some dark mystery surrounding him which you'll learn as the story progress. He loves solving mystery, and he's concerned only in solving the mystery, but not much of a person's heart. The one who played him is Yamada Ryosuke. I learn he is a johnny. he has a typical Johnny face afterall... pretty. lol. but he's really cute I want to pinch his quite chubby cheek. I think he's good. IMO I think he's better than Ryunosuke in this drama which is not what I expected actually because I thought Ryunosuke should be a better actor. well, maybe it's the character.

She's Megu. She has photogrphic-bla-bla-bla-memory skill. Means she can look at something and remember it right away. That's a great skill but painful too, as she can't forget the scene before her eyes, e.g murder scene. Kyuu always calm her down. I love Shida Mirai. She was awesome in 14 Sai no Haha, Watashitachi no Kyokasho etc. and although I don't like how she always bulged her eyes she was great in Queen's Classroom. She's an actress with great potential ahead.

He's Kinta. He's the adult among all of the Q's detectives. He's like an elder brother. And he's strong. And I looikke Kaname Jun.. xD

He's Kazuma. He's a computer-genius. He create games. And he always wear torn out shirts kind of. I think he's the one of the 5 Q detectives that lack presence on the screen. He got not much screen time as compared to others.
The main antagonist would be the Pluto organisation, and this one Cerberus, he looks evil, you can tell just by looking at the face. He's the guest playing in Liar Game as the opponent in the smuggling game. Their main skills? hypnotism.
ooh, and I actually don't really like how it ends. not a big issue though.
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Coffee Prince is about a tomboy girl, mistaken to be a boy, employed in a coffee shop: Coffee Prince. As obvious what prince means, it's only for prince, when she's a princess. So she hide her 'princess' status and work at the shop, fall in love with the manager. The manager eventually fall for her too, and he think he's gay xD
I was excited when I first knew they're doing this drama, especially after being fed by cute promo photos of Eun Hye as a boy. And she does look like a boy. A cute, girly looking boy. And then I found myself not liking the first episode. Stopped watching. But after reading quite few comments and reviews about it I decided to pick up where I left. Surprisingly now that I've finished watching , I think it's okay ^^.
The start is very entertaining and cute but progressing to end it somehow drag a bit (like most of kdramas out there) so I had to do a bit of fast-forward (being quite an impatient person I am. once you've watched a lot of dramas you'll start to learn the skill of fast-forwarding.lol. I used to stay put with a dramas even how boring it was, but that was years ago when I was still starting to get into the fandom. but not anymore)
I like all the princes! their interaction are funny and entertaining. they 're dorks and very cute. Every prince have their own unique personality. I love Min Yeop, he's the dorkiest and adorable gorilla ever. Ha rim on the other hand is very entertaining in his own way, the way he speak, his cute boyish face, his narcisstic self, and his 'my chan, my chan' calling out always make me smile. the Japanese prince is cold yet intriguing. I used to think Gong Yoo is not very goodlooking, but after watching this he's growing on me.
I especially like the interaction between Min Yeop and Eun Chan, especially after he knows she's a girl. The side couple doesn't do much to me as I don't care much about their love development.
Overall, I think this is an okay drama. It's not great, but can be entertaining at times.
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