Sorry for the long hiatus.
I don't know if I can keep up in updating few dramas like I promised e.g Liar Game, etc.

I can't put into words how awesome LIFE is! I'm sucked in. Not just the story, the actors are wonderful. They're newbies but delivered a very good performance. It's only 30 minutes per episode. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I definitely love it. The one that you feel like marathoning in a single viewing (although it's impossible for me because of stuffs and all, housework etc but the intention exist).
Adapted from Keiko Suenobu's manga "LIFE," this drama delves into the dark side of high school life. The story focuses mainly on bullying, but the manga also touches on subjects such as self-mutilation, suicide, and spoiler.
----drama wiki
It's a dark drama, not those shiny one. The colour-tone plays part as well. This drama focuses mainly on bullying but not the typical portrayal as you can see in other school drama. well, bullying can be seen in many school dramas it exist in most school-related drama even if the focus is not on bullying e.g GTO, Nobuta Wo Produce, Hana Yori Dango, Seito Shokun and many more. Watashitachi no Kyokasho is one that dwell mostly on bullying issues, but both have different approach. LIFE shows how extreme bullying can be ( and this drama is actually a bit violent), and how the victim grow stronger in every each episode. Unlike most case when the victim of bullying gave in to the pressure or is saved cheesily by other people (e.g teacher, or friends), Shiiba Ayumu the main character shows the viewer how she learn to fight it as the story progress. She grew stronger is also because of an influence from a friend, but still we can really see her effort. LIFE make you see how scary it is to be bullied, especially to such extent which they adapt to the drama. Have I mention how wonderful the new actors were? and I even get to completely hate some person's gut.
As far as now, only three episodes are subtitled online. But because I'm really sucked in, I'm continuing the drama RAW, which I never seriously did for other dramas. With my limited comprehension of the Japanese language, I still hope I can understand the gist of it and still enjoy the drama. Because I just can't wait for subtitle. It's addicting.
Now I have no wonder why LIFE has been voted as the most satisfying drama in its drama season. This is the same drama slot for the ever great Liar Game, and currently its SP.